very woman possesses unique beauty, and Ourwe aims to accentuate that beauty by offering a variety of products that allow women to freely express their style. Our store goes beyond merely selling products; we prioritize communication and empathy with our customers. we want you to enjoy shopping in a comfortable atmosphere and strive to make your special moments even more extraordinary.
© 2024 OURWE.
very woman possesses unique beauty, and Ourwe aims to accentuate that beauty by offering a variety of products that allow women to freely express their style. Our store goes beyond merely selling products. we prioritize communication and empathy with our customers. we want you to enjoy shopping in a comfortable atmosphere and strive to make your special moments even more extraordinary.
상호. 아워위 OURWE
대표. 김형경 개인정보보호책임자. 김형경
사업자등록번호. 714-03-03276 통신판매업신고번호. 2024-성남분당B-0550
주소. 성남시 분당구 돌마로486번길 12 효자촌 지하층 26호 [반품지별도]
계좌안내. 국민은행 443-7010-43333-02 김형경(아워위 OUREW)
© 2024 OURWE.